Free and easy day! We went back to MBK to get what we had to get, and to do what we had not yet done. And this time we noticed a
timer beside the traffic lights. We were wondering what took so long, for the cars to move during peak hour, we all thought it was a terrible jam, but NO, it's this.
When I saw this it was at around 180seconds, and there was a long queue forming up on the road. It must have started from 200plus seconds. Oh man. I love Singapore traffic. Not that bad, really.

More pork burger meals! This was our last pork burger from BK for the trip, and for a long time to come, I predict. Too bad it's not allowed in Singapore outlets ):

After that we went to do our respective shopping, and I had to get my hair permed. Permed! (: Cheap cheap (:
This is my hairdresser. He looks very familiar hor?

Highlights? ):

And for the people who asked how come I was online for such a substantial amount of time when I was in BKK,
this is why. 3 hours of sitting at the chair.
The machine is damn scary btw, I felt like Dr. Octopus.


We came across Cosfest in BKK, the very same weekend Singapore was having theirs at Downtown East. Daniel, are you reading this! (:
This band was really quite good.

Thai cosplayers.

She's really good.

Tuktuk chase!
Note Alex's hands. Both of those hands. LOL.

To Platinum for more shopping.

We split up for dinner that night. Kiat, Dard, Mo and I went back to the tavern for more good Thai food fare. But this time we were met with suspicious bouncers at the door, who asked us which country we came from! Huh!? It matters meh?

Post-dinner entertainment - Baby elephant! I was so amazed by her nose! It seems to have eyes and life of its own leh.

Late night, we all met at the Night Plaza again. The last time we went there, Dard, Mo and I left super early cos we were quite exhausted, we came back this time to get more cheap stuff, so that we won't regret leaving this place after only about 40 mins of walking. Heheh.
This time round we saw little animals for sale. There were squirrels, kittens, puppies, rabbits, guinea pigs, and this is just my favourite picture. Damn cute!

And we walked through a sea of fresh flowers for sale. There are no reasons not to give flowers to a girlfriend in BKK! Haha.

Good night! Thats it for now! Day 5 another day! (:
lol thats j rock girl