I'm back! I was actually back in Singapore on Friday, 21 Dec. I just missed Daryl's flight, so that means that I wouldn't get to see him for 3 weeks in total.That's disgusting.
For the eight days (inclusive of flight time) in Vietnam, family and I were subjected to noise and air pollution, haha, but BOPIAN, must 入乡随俗. Incessant honking all around towns and villages eventually became a part of our stay in Vietnam, for both trips.
This time we went to places where tourists seldom visit. There was even this place where there were no tourists at all. It was this reservoir, which used be an open valley of many mountains, and walls were built to make it into a water catchment area. You can imagine how freaking big that reservoir is man. It's like the sea!
Anyways, here I am back in Singapore. But I ain't blogging about it yet cos the pictures aren't with me. But I will, within this coming week. (: It's gonna be interesting, heehee. Meanwhile, if you guys want to see photos of my previous trip in Vietnam, you can click on these links:
Vietnam 1Vietnam 2 (scrap book)The coming repertoire of photos will be different. Totally. I promise. (:
I miss Vietnam now that I'm back here. The pace of life there is so relaxed. But when I was there I couldn't wait to come back, because the air is filled with dust, and the honking is so terrible man. Haha. Always , the grass is greener on the other side, heehee.
And now I'm involved in dance and organising Exuberance VII. And I'm supposed to be at the PA now, practicing for Chingay, but m
y hip joints hurt like mad when I put weight on it, or try to move my legs around. Shittified.
And my papa got his new car already! It's such a change to drive this car from the old 10 year old car, all the controls are so sensitive, and there is a touch-screen control at the front of the car, replacing the traditional knobs and buttons for radio and cd controls. I sound very sua ku, but, cool right! Hahaha.
Right, ciao, shall be back with more pictures and an overview of my second trip to Vietnam. (: