We met up after he came back from a visiting trip to Melbourne, and he remembered to get macadamia nuts for me! You know, those super fattening but damn tasty nuts? But he forgot to bring them along, and I forgot to remind him. That'd have to wait till FunOrama on Sat then.
We wanted to catch August Rush, but sadly, yesterday was the last day it was showing in Singapore, and he decided to be nice and catch Step Up 2 with me.

So there we were, wondering around Lido, and stuffing ourselves full with KFC buddy meal, and thereafter continued the chowing with Nachos and cheese in the cinema.
What lard buckets!
The dancing was great, but the story line was, well... Can be improved on. Everyone can dance, of course, everyone casted in the movie could. But as we agreed, character development was shallow, aside from the leads and Moose, and it was a typical bad girl/boy meets good boy/girl story, with the sidekicks falling in love with each other. There wasn't really anything about that movie that one had to analyse closely in order to understand.
What I liked though, was their casting of a non-stereotypical body-type for a lead actress. Briana Evigan is a good-looker, but her muscular and well-padded frame is not the typical lead-actress body type. In fact, this was great, contrasting her with the other "standard" female body types in the movie which paled to Briana in comparison. Coupled with the spunk in her character, Andie was a "hot, hot shawty".
In other words, it was a good movie to chill out and groove to, without sapping up any brain power. The music was greeaaaaat, Blast has been dancing to StepUp2 OST for weeks now, and I've enjoyed every moment of it.
As with the first movie, it left me feeling like dancing on my merry feet. *heheh*. (That's the reason behind my blog name, if you haven't figured it out.)
Dan, of course, didn't really feel like dancing. His artistic tendency lies with objects, and he's going to apply for RMIT! I'm so excited for him! Anyways, thanks for watching it with me, and walking a direction-senseless me to the CC for training afterward.
It's always great to meet an old friend who is such a dear. (:
Till funOrama, Dan! (and nuts, heheh.)